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More than 260,000 orphans live in Togo, according to UNICEF statistics. To help us, you can sponsor, donate, and volunteer through our nonprofit organization -- Canaan Village.

Togo is a country heavily impacted by poverty and precarious care of health. Around 50 percent of its 7 million population is estimated by the World Bank to be living in extreme poverty. More than 260,000 orphans live in Togo, according to UNICEF statistics. Most of the time, family members or voluntary host families care for these children. The poor quality of care provided to these orphans (no financial assistance to the people who foster them) exposes them to poor living conditions.

Also, statistics estimate that one out of every eight Togolese children is sent away from his home and family, sometimes even abroad to work. There is no figure that gives the proportion of fatherless or motherless children among them. This is obviously an additional risk factor. That is why the objectives and missions of Canaan Village are crucial ones.

There are many possibilities to help us and to donate.

kids playing


Membership form to download (at the bottom of this page).


A sponsorship is defined as a long-term financial and emotional commitment to a child. An individual can sponsor a child or several children as a godfather/godmother. Likewise, each child may have several godfathers/godmothers. The sponsoring is established when a sponsor pledges to make available one (1) dollar a day or 30 dollars a month for the needs of a child.

The godparents commit themselves morally to make a minimum monthly contribution of 30 dollars for a child (and be in permanent contact with Canaan Village).

They will also send their news regularly to the child through Canaan Village, and in return, they will receive personalized news from the child (with photos) from Canaan Village.

kids eatingOf course, any daily or monthly amount of pledge dedicated to a child or shared by all residents is welcome. The visits of godparents are also desirable as often as possible. The sponsored child may be offered a limited stay with his sponsors or godparents organized in collaboration with Canaan Village.
The chart of the godparents can be downloaded and viewed (at the bottom of this page).


Kids love surprises. Therefore, you may help by sending them postcards and small gifts. Make sure all your mailings are in the name of Canaan Village and addressed properly.


Children need subsistence materials sustain with money but they also need love. You are welcome to visit
Canaan Village in Togo to show your love and affection to the resident children. Contact us for modalities of visit.